Quickly Accessing Bible Verses to Train Little Hearts Throughout the Day: A Mom's Guide


As a mother, it's essential to have a readily available collection of Bible verses to help teach your children valuable lessons. Throughout the years, I've tried different methods to achieve this. Here are two of my favorites:

I Personalized a Bible with Highlighted Sections and Tabs.

I highlighted certain sections and added tabs for easy reference. Among the sections I've marked are those about lying, anger, quarreling/fighting, complaining, and others.

For each topic, I highlight the verse in a certain color. For instance pink for all the lying verses and green for all the verses on complaining. Then I added a pink-colored tab to each page where I marked the bible verses for lying and a green-colored tab for every place I marked the verses for complaining.

I liked this because when I talked to the kids about a particular topic I had the actual bible in my hand. However it took me hours to put together, and it wasn’t as convenient to have on the kitchen counter, or carry it with me in the car because I was worried it would get dirty and damaged.

The second way was I made a list of verses for each topic one page for lying, complaining, laziness, etc., and then hooked all the pages together. This offered the convenience of quickly flipping to the desired page. They also can be laminated so they don’t become messy when I lay them on the kitchen counter. You can make a copy for the car too. I also printed out the sheets and gave them to the kids to pick some verses to memorize if they were showing a particular area of struggle in an area.

Make your own sets by finding verses on a subject and writing them on a page, or buy the ones I made here.  Use this code for 20% off LISTENINGSHEEPBLOG


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